Use these for practice in addition to your voice part CD 1

10303732 (Gloria Fanfare--SSATBB)

10312016 (O Come, All Ye Faithful--SATB)

10366936 (Fum, Fum, Fum–SATB)

10089875 (Joyful, All Ye Nations, Rise–SATB)

10453011 (Grown-Up Christmas List--SATB)

10355950 (Season of Love–SATB)

10453729 (Bell Carol--SSA) Ladies

10367681 (Here Comes the Light--TTBB) Men

10274485 (Let It Snow--SATB) 2–

3296895 (Christmas Time Is Here)

10278105 (Candy Cane Lane)

10010359 (Christmas on Broadway ; first & next to the last songs only)

Or if you prefer, go to and add the song numbers to the Search Box

For the Hallelujah Chorus go to–Click on Major Works–then to George F. Handel–then Messiah–then Hallelujah (#44).

You can then listen to your part as you follow in your music.